
Sweet Floral Ethiopia 150g(Light Roast)

¥1,620 tax included

Using  ¥540  / 3 installments

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ALO COFFEE PLCのオーナー、タミル・タデッセ氏は、2021年COEエチオピアの1位と5位に入賞経験のある、エチオピアのトップクラスの優れた若い生産者です。
Bona Zuria(ボナ・ズリア)は、農園やウォッシングステーションを増やし進化し続けている彼の新しい農園のひとつです。


エチオピア ウォッシュドの良さがぎゅっと詰まった高品質のコーヒーを自信をもってお届けします。

カップノート Erlgrey tea, Floral, Peach, Lemon, Honey, Mint, Blight acidity, smooth, clean cup


Mr. Tamiru Tadesse, owner of ALO COFFEE PLC, is one of Ethiopia's top outstanding young producers, having placed 1st and 5th in the 2021 COE Ethiopia.
Bona Zuria is one of his newer farms that continues to evolve as he adds more farms and washing stations.
The roasted coffee is shallow roasted to express elegant floral and sweetness.
The aroma is elegant, reminiscent of pink and light purple flowers,
The gentle taste reminiscent of black tea is also a must-try.

We are proud to offer you this high quality Ethiopian washed coffee.

Cup Notes Erlgrey tea, Floral, Peach, Lemon, Honey, Mint, Blight acidity, smooth, clean cup

If you would like to order grinded, we can provide it in a paper filter grind. Please write it in the remarks column.

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¥1,620 tax included
